Are we OPEN MINDFUL to new & different CULTURES??
As an individual, do you personally feel your remaining OPEN MINDFUL to different lifestyles and cultures? Are you set in your ways? Are you stubborn?? Personally, I can describe experiencing first-hand a few select and special cities, countries and locations. For example, in Spain, the fashion, moped, coffee, siesta, and smoking cafe culture was quite prominent. In Spain instead of working a straight 9-5, they take a mid day siesta & lengthy pause from 1 to 3 pm. This siesta seemed to give the day a healthy break, before resuming in full economic force at 4pm with store re-openings and such. Is the siesta or mid day break something we in America, maybe could use a bit of?? Anther personal example would be daily break neck speed and constant energy of Manhattan. In so far as culture, it's best described as an immensely populated, cool, edgy, fun, professional, fashionable & lively island on "eight cups of coffee". Personally I truly enjoyed their "WALKIN