The Celebrity Factor
Do famous celebrities get you excited? Do celebrities ever influence your decision making or lifestyle choices? Have you ever met and been around a famous celebrity in person, and been aw-struck? Or do you care zilch about "celebrity power?" Personally, while living and working in New York City, and even here in Austin, Texas have had many a celebrity encounter. Some more welcoming, unique and memorable than the others. Personally, I think a celebrity run in, can be a cool thing, yet also reminds you, these FAMOUS people are simple humans just like you and I. I recall onetime riding a subway car on a dreary morning in Manhattan while Ethan Hawke, the well known actor, was sitting across the way in the same cabin. He carried the same ho-hum demeanor as everyone else on that train, just trying to get from point A to point B. Another celebrity subway ride included, the actor James Marsden. The interesting part of this run in, and why I remember it, is because my ex girlfrie