What does being Open Mindful mean to you???

Liberal and Open Minded to me almost seem to be pseudonyms. I would guess it could be possible to be conservative and open minded, just in my eyes those two ideals seem to be juxtaposed. What in my upbringing and brain, elicits this open minded worldly outlook, and positive, friendly mindset??? It could have either been my parental affluent hippie 60's upbringing or perhaps my University Liberal Arts Education, or yet again my 5 full years of daily life in Manhattan and the mecca that is New York City. What does being Liberal and Open Minded mean to you?? Personally I think of it as being accepting of many different lifestyle choices and varieties. For example, I am pro choice and pro abortion for women before the 2nd trimester. I am pro gay marriage, for both male and female sexes. Being a Free Speech & Born here American, I also believe in the freedom of style, culture, home location, choices in dating, restaurants, music, culture, movies, music and all. Anything that LIMITS freedom, expression, opportunity, options, possibilities, NEW IDEAS, and the sort to me, is negative & detrimental to our nation and society. Are all new free thinking ideas a good Idea, NO, not all of them are. Yet, as a person, culture and collective, we can embrace, listen, and at MINIMUM be open minded to take in the information to decide for ourselves. To summarize, thank for you time, I welcome your feedback and thoughts on what being OPEN MINDFUL, means to YOU??


Anonymous said…
the first sentence really sets the tone
Anonymous said…
Being liberal, to me, means it is the government's job to make sure that no one gets their feelings hurt.
Anonymous said…
welcome back to the blog. keep em coming!
Anonymous said…
This post provoked many thoughts within me, many thoughts.
Anonymous said…
The quality of writing here is terrible. Did you finish high school?
Anonymous said…
when it comes to delicious pizza pies, consider me open mouthful!
Anonymous said…
i still don't understand what open mindful means.
Anonymous said…
Love your writing. You're the Hunter S. Thompson of your generation!
Anonymous said…
being a person who's open mindful, this blog opens my mind even more, no?
Anonymous said…
I think it means "BE here Now". Mindfulness, which, among other things, is an attentive awareness of the reality of things (especially of the present moment) is an antidote to delusion and is considered as such a 'power' the buddha would approve.

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