the answer!
I was thinking about writing and naming this article, "Addiction." Then I realized that addiction is characterized as a negative thing. Would you agree that addiction tends to lead to negative consequences? For example, some words or themes that come to mind in regards to addiction, are people whom become addicted to cigarettes (equals death) drugs (equals death) work, (loss of family, spouse and loved ones) alcohol,(sickness, loss of liver) shopping (loss of money) & diet. (loss of muscle & weight) So in general the term addiction, con-notates negative sentiments and themes. That is why, this OPEN MINDFUL entry is titled, "Moderation is the answer" Recently and personally, I myself, am trying to scale back a rather extreme lifestyle of work and play. Thus in turn, lower down the crazy. For example, if your life has you going 60 miles per hour, metaphorically, try 30 miles per hour. That is my suggestion for the day. This philosophical thought of th