Stay Strong....Lend a Hand.....

I was thinking of giving the title "peer pressure" to this post, yet changed the focal wording last minute. I think the point,we OPEN MINDFUL, readers would like to try and make today, is the power of social & ideological independence. Part of the joys, of the 1st Amendment in the U.S.A. is the right to free speech and personal liberty.
Think about some of the worse periods in your life? What was the worst "section" of life for you?
Personally for me, hands down it was the Middle School & Junior High section of life. Why? Numerous reasons. For example, middle school is a time for puberty and severe insecurity for kids, both young boys and girls. The insecurity causes a lack of confidence for youths both mentally and physically. Another reason, I loathed middle school, was the prevalence of peer pressure. If everyone was doing it, then the pressure on the next student was just as heavy. Thirdly, there were no gains in fun, or freedom in middle school. During that age, kids still can't drive a vehicle, can barely date the opposite sex, and overall are still at the complete mercy of parental control.
What can we learn from these above mentioned life negatives. As adults, we can OUT GROW them, and become the STRONG, INDEPENDENT, HELPFUL, THOUGHTFUL, and yes OPEN MINDFUL people we are supposed to be. Let's continue to try & encompass an OPEN MINDFUL healthy outlook.
As a rational adult, we now get to make our own decisions! We know in our gut, hearts, and morality what is most likely a "right" choice, and what is a "wrong" choice. Personally, I try to steer towards at minimum the legal choices, and avoid bad criminal activity and group pressures at all costs. I enjoy life, and the daily freedoms and fresh air we are blessed with.
Moving forward, let's remain OPEN MINDFUL in our efforts to stay on the better path in life. I myself, do my best to STAY STRONG in the face of adversity & setbacks. I hope you too, STAY STRONG.
Lastly, one of the points, I'd like to make is the suggestion to simply be willing to "lend a hand." If you are currently a successful business executive, entertainer, politician or family person, can you remember how you got there? Can you recall the people whom cared about you, and helped you on the way up? For example the business apprentice, and the boss whom taught him the ropes and tricks of the trade. Perhaps, the lawyer, whom learned from the seasoned professor or retired lawyer of counsel. Another example of lending a hand is the veteran politician, whom gives thoughtful time & conversation to his college interns.
Please remember, whatever stage you are in life, to be open mindful to Lending a hand, to one another. Just be willing to help, can ya?
Thanks for reading. Your comments are always welcomed.


Anonymous said…
Awesome post ! Let us never forget to understand humility.
Thank for reading. Comments appreciated. The more the merrier.

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