MORALS.... Who is to Judge your Actions?

As we've discussed recently, each person is individually, physically and intellectually unique. What are your personal MORALS? Do you even have them? Should we, are they necessary?
Let's not confuse morals with simply following the LAW. It is understood that the USA is a wonderful, prosperous splendid country with a plethora of freedoms. Of course, we are asked and try our best to faithfully follow our country's law and rules.
But what about MORALS? Are you OPEN MINDFUL to morality? Whom is to judge what is right and wrong? Personally I would say just follow the Golden Rule. Simply treat others as you would like to be treated, with respect and kindness.
Does having morals induce a better life? Often times, the BEST MOMENTS in my life, have occurred while having fun, living life with NO SHAME, and not upholding to a moral compass. For example, whimsical nights of care-free fun, randomness, friends, and newness. I do believe it is immoral to cheat on a spouse or real girlfriend. I believe it is immoral to fight and punch and do harm to others. I believe it is immoral to steal.
Yet overall perhaps we ought to try to refrain from judging others actions and decisions.
How do you feel about MORALS? Should we have less or More? Let's stay OPEN MINDFUL to this!


Anonymous said…
I hate Highball
Anonymous said…
I'd like to know the difference between a real vs a fake girlfriend?
1. Thanks for your comments, Highball does not exist in reality there is nothing too hate

2. a Real girlfriend would be monogamous, loyal relationship
and fake girlfriend, would not be monogamous and simply "friends with benefits"

Anonymous said…
You sound morally confused, buddy.
Anonymous said…
I thought a fake girlfriend was one of those that you blow up with the holes everywhere, no?
Anonymous said…
If this Highball place doesn't exist in the reality anymore why the picture? Sentimental? Was your morality tested there?
Anonymous said…
is it immoral to cheat on a fake spouse?
This comment has been removed by the author.
Thanks for all the comments. Their welcomed.

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