The Best VACATION ever.

Where, what and how did your "Best VACATION EVER" occur? Today let's be open mindful to taking a lifestyle break from the rat race to actually enjoy life. Are you a beach, mountain, city, foreign, or road trip type vacationer? Are you "OPEN MINDFUL" to different geographical settings for a vacation?
Please tell me where your "BEST VACATION" occurred. Why was it so special? What happened?
Personally, in my 3rd decade of living have been on 2 fairly epic vacations. the 1st, was when at the University of Texas graduate age of 22, my father and I flew into Cuba. Cuba was extremely different, fun, lively, beautiful, and cool. The tropical weather, beautiful women, and socialistic culture was fantastic to breath in 1st hand. Although the cars, buildings and exterior of Havana was aging quickly, the citizenry and vibe felt safe and easy going. I could see why the great writer Ernest Hemingway decided to call it home. Cuba had cigars, mopeds, nightlife, mojitos, and attractive people. It was easy to maneuver and get around on the island. Another reason, why I personally so enjoyed Cuba, was my success with the females. Somehow despite my youthful 22 years, an older 26 year old, sexy blonde Canadian Lawyer become fond of me. It was glorious! In addition, While dancing one night at a club near the beach, I lovingly and randomly befriended an Italia girl. Aren't the random ones the best? I tried speaking some Spanish, but in the end it did not matter we couldn't really communicate. The non-verbal communication proved to be the answer, as the night ended with playful action on the beach. Ahhh... the memories.
So again...where should my next "best vacation be?" Where was your most favorite vacation? Did you travel solo? With family? With a lover? Was it a sightseeing, lazy, sporty, cheap or expensive vacation?
My next favorite vacation was my 2 weeks in South Beach Miami in April. You'll notice an entire previous "Open Mindful" entry devoted to the trip and experience. Again, similar to Cuba, beautiful people and women were everywhere. Also, I could WALK everywhere. No car required. Sunshine, warm beaches, nice food, fashion, palm tree scenery with American wealth displayed prominently.
Moving forward, I am "Open mindful" to where the next great "BEST VACATION" will be. Do you have any suggestions for me? Should it take place in a Foreign Land? I was thinking of doing a road trip from my hometown of Austin, Texas, westward through New Mexico, Arizona, San Deigo, and up to Portland and Seatle before flying home. Thoughts? Should I just do it? Should I try to bring company and friends? Does this potential solo excursion sound to adventurous? I welcome your thoughts and opinions.
Thanks for listening and reading my stories about the "BEST VACATION" ever. Why? Because I need another one.


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