
The days continue to strum and hum along in New York City. I have been able to reconnect with previous friends and buds, while creating new ones along the way. In addition to relationships, enjoy the randomness and variety the city possess.

In addition, receiving updates from my promotional friends and buds has been so welcoming. They are wonderful at providing fun places and enjoyable and pretty nightlife, fashion and events. They have enjoyable occupations and am pleased to know them and join in the fun, every so often.

Having learned the way of the land here, and am quite successful at touring the city and getting places by foot or subway. Everything is so close, just a couple stops or blocks away. I honestly would be a superstar concierge or host to anyone visiting New York City to vacation or live.

The spring and summer are close and are very enjoyable seasons in the year. I enjoy being able to see people in the streets. It adds a positive and vibrant energy to the pace and scene.


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