Live the Globe!

Am I a grateful, proud & honest Amercian, yes! Yet the topic and theme today is to discuss being OPEN MINDFUL to people from FOREIGN COUNTRIES and to living in foreign countries.
Would you, or have you ever desired to be a dual citizen or live in a different country? If so which one? I believe we should be open mindful to people & citizenry from other foreign countries. They should live here, we could live there? Why not?
Recently, I went on a vacation to the Mexican Carribean. It was stellar! I was surprised to realize and meet so many people from different foreign countries. For example, while staying in Playa Del Carmen, the most popular tourist countries were Isreal, Norway, Argentina, Sweden, and Canada. It was more of a melting pot than the USA! What I continued to learn, is that all humans are fairly similar to their core. They all want to live well, be treated equally, and engage with thoughtful friendly people. This lesson proved beneficial for me in my trip.
In a specific, real experience, while happily cruising the waters and beaches of the carribean, I asked 2 girls from foreign countries the same question. If you could have American citizenship for free, would you want it? Both said, NO. It seems to me, that people tend to be proud of their own countries, and families, no matter their faults or shortcomings. In my experience, the foreigners seemed loyal to their birth given nationalities.
Me, personally, as this OPEN MINDFUL liberal testament routinely proves, would totally embrace & live life in a foreign country. If I met the woman, of my dreams and she wished to reside somewhere else, I would do it.
How do you feel? Are you Open Mindful to living in the GLOBE? What is your favorite foreign country? Why?


Anonymous said…
I agree usa is the best. Foreign countries sometime do have some beautiful girls and ladies though

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