Open Mindful to Meeting New People?...

As we are all aware, especially us fellow city, and big city dwellers, there are millions of people in this world. With tons of citizens always out and about. Today's subject is how personally, do you enjoy, and prefer to MEET people, new people, friends, significant others, business folks and more? Are you OPEN MINDFUL to diverse methods of introduction?
For example for friends, do you like to meet new people through organizations, or groups? Or perhaps are you social and talkative at coffee shops, bars, and places of commercial business? Do you like to meet new people yourself, or are you the follower whom tags along and waits to get introduced. If your like me, if you feel the desire to say hello, you just go for it and do it yourself.
So what is your preferred method and manner to meet new people? Or do you have an "introvert" job where people, interaction, service and communication is not required? Well for us "sales" people, human interaction, communication, trust, physical appearances and speech is a major element.
How else do you prefer to meet people? For example, are you an outdoorsy type or do you like to meet people "online." Or do you carry a spontaneous, impromptu style towards meeting new people?
Thanks for your heartfelt comments. It is a large earth, but we also SHARE it together. Let's be OPEN MINDFUL about it.


Anonymous said…
only open mindful to meeting girls. amiright!??
Open Mindful to Meeting All Different Modes of people.
Anonymous said…
I love meeting new people at coffeeshops, movie theaters, downtown, the grocery store, town lake... You name it! Sometimes I'll just go out and explore, see who I run into. Usually I like to make eye contact w/ people and then smile if I feel like it or maybe compliment something I like about them, or I'll try to make them smile/laugh. I've made a lot of friends that way. Community is huge for me though. Meeting people thru commongrounds/interests/passions is important too, I think. All in all - making sure people know they are seen/heard/important is my aim. It's a really good feeling when it pays off and u find a meaningful connection w/ someone.

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