Where You Place your Bed.

Today's topic and OPEN MINDFUL inspiration is the theme of moving. It is also about the wonderful variety of neighborhoods, city, hill country and urban settings the world has!
Are you OPEN MINDFUL to living, and residing in different neighborhoods? Are you willing to CHANGE where you live, sleep, wake up and yes place your bed?
For example, I lived in the same neighborhood, Hell's Kitchen/Clinton NYC for 5 years. I grew accustomed to the location, neighborhood, subways and city proximity. Once, I almost moved to Brooklyn, yet backed out. I simply could not beat the price, and location of the wonderful apt. It just worked, along with the rooftop view & the skyline, Hudson views were amazing. I tried to trade rooms for a week, with a friend who lived in the LES on Rivington, Lower East Side, but he was grumpy and didn't fancy the swap. Yet, I believe we as humans should always remain OPEN MINDFUL to learning, and discovering new areas.
So what do you think? Are you in a living rut? Have you become overly comfortable where you live? Here's an idea. Do you think where you live changes your lifestyle, personality and lifestyle patterns? For example, would one become more of a bohemian and hipster, if they lived in 78704 or in East Austin? Does someone living in the suburbs and hill country instantly become boring and sedentary? Can couples & families happily live downtown? Where do you live? What is it like? Are you OPEN MINDFUL to changing "where you put your bed"
Think about it, life is short, and perhaps a change will surprise and strengthen your life. You could always just try to boomerang back to your ol' hood if it does not work out.


Anonymous said…
t I am always living, moving, and waking up to new places for work and a lot of times I feel the impact/vibe of each individual area gives me a different feeling. I take note and even get inspired - and tuck it away in my vision for my own exotic dream situation someday... Maybe the beaches of Australia, or Northern Cali. Could be Southern France, or Austin, TX perhaps:).. Whenever, wherever, whatever it is - I'll create it. Thoughtful post. Thanks!
PS - is that Greece in your picture? Where is that? Pretty!
Thanks for the comment. That is one best open mindful comments we've had in 6 years. Congrats. Yes, the pictures is greece i think. It's artsy.
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