
Showing posts from 2014

Ever wonder about other people?

Do you ever wonder what other people, friends, family, ex-girlfriends, classmates, teammates, and the such are up to today? Yes? No? Maybe? Like a current status update. Well I wonder. Sometimes, it is comforting to be aware of what your friends, colleagues , and perhaps ex- associates are up to? I think, are they still alive? I guess as people start to drift away and become burrowed into their careers, family, and marriages, they stop caring about other people, and just dive focus upon their "Inner Circle." Do you feel like this is an accurate analogy? Does this happen to you? Personally, I would really enjoy being privy to life news from friends, family, and co-workers, about what the heck is going on with their lives? Whether it is good, bad, or amazing, this honest news would be embraced. This way, if a person asks, "oh how is James from your sophomore literature class doing, you could actually answer & say,"He's a writer with an Argentinian

Not feeling the Holiday Spirit?

Have you ever had that one year or two, where you just were "NOT FEELING THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT?" Well, personally that is my mode this year. I apologize for my scrooge like persona, yet it is a real world outlook. Normally and most years, I'm just as jolly as the red suited Santa Clause. Here are the reasons for this down-turn view of the Holiday season. The problem with religion in general. As I read the AP, News-wire on a daily basis, all I come across are problems created because of religion. The Middle East section of the world is the biggest culprit. ISIS & their Islamic devil warriors killing and pillaging innocent women and children. They are just total moral garbage. Jewish citizens in Israel, having to bomb their way to safety & Hannahkuh, and lastly the Catholic Pope, denouncing those who work under him for their overall horribleness. These 3 specific examples, kind of give a black eye to religion. Can you see, why one would question the celebratio

How Bachelor Men Think...

Today, I'm going to give you some insight into the minds, thoughts, and lifestyle of "Bachelor" men. In life, there are a varying degree of lifestyles, from the homeless, to the luxurious, to the family oriented, collegian, celebrity & more. If you have ever wondered what that good looking, handsome, tall, All-American, non-married, happily single man is thinking, you will find out below. Why am I qualified to help define the Bachelor's thought process? Because I'm it, and have lived it to the fullest in NYC, Miami, & Austin. We, the Bachelors', do not want to meet a girl with a boyfriend. We'd prefer not to. We especially do not want to be introduced to a girl's boyfriend. Secretly, we think we are more attractive, and more of an alpha-male, than any girl's boyfriend. In general, we think we are the answer. More acutely, we are gentlemen, and do not steal or snatch girls that are sealed & spoken for. We are respectful! Bachel

Free Will, Pro's and Cons'

I do believe in Free will. It is what we are born with unto this world. I think Locke or some other philosopher has harped on this subject before. My turn in 2014. Let's give it a run. I have an issue with telling people they are crazy. In general people do not like to hear that, even though it is the truth and they may be. We have all, at one time or another dated the crazy girl or had the crazy client. I wonder if people ever think I'm crazy? I doubt it, but one can not ever control another person's thoughts and opinions. As a good, honest soul, I try to be morally balanced and sane. Personally I do not ever stray from my moderate morals. I am neither a church guy nor an evil doer. I actually embrace the law abiding method of living. In a modern day example, the domestic Ray Rice scandal really bothers me. The fact that a man would physically punch, "knock out" and drag his wife along is worry-some to me and should be to you. 100 percent of humans, sho

The COST of Life....

Do you think expensive things and a luxury lifestyle is really worth it? Are you OPEN MINDFUL to a variety of lifestyles & real world costs? I mean, just because something is "luxury" and you can afford it, does that mean you should purchase it? Is is better to live the big grand life or the manageable, modest, one? I don't know. Do you? I've never ownned a company, hit the lottery, or sold a tech start-up like Mark Cuban. Personally, I wonder sometimes if luxury is really worth it? It might be? I do know LIFE is way more fun, enjoyable and confident, when your "in the chips" or "flush with dough and cash" Personally, I've had the highs, lows, and normal times like most people probably. I'd bet you can relate. For example, I recall getting laid-off from a super-corporate company one time, and being so relieved. Afterwards, I got to collect unemployment checks and take a hiatus from the rat race. Keep in mind, this time period


So the last time I checked there are only 2 types of sexes in the current human race. Male and Female. Of course there are similarities, but also differences. Lets talk about those. In my humble opinion, I think girls, ladies and women are WONDERFUL! In my entire life, I have never really been wrong or abnormally scorned by one. Perhaps if I had been truly pained by a female, I would be less of an advocate on thier behalf? I speak as a gentlemen, whom was raised extremely well, and have kept those core values over the decades. Catilian in 5th grade and everything. I recall while living in NYC, when I used to offer to walk girls to the subway in the morning, how saint-like they thought I was. They must have unfortunately grown accustomed to the deuchebag/aholes dudes. They say you can physically take the gentlemen out of the "South" but not the "South" out of the gentlemen. This may actually be true! Yet with all of their wonder, it surprises me how diffe

The Celebrity Factor

Do famous celebrities get you excited? Do celebrities ever influence your decision making or lifestyle choices? Have you ever met and been around a famous celebrity in person, and been aw-struck? Or do you care zilch about "celebrity power?" Personally, while living and working in New York City, and even here in Austin, Texas have had many a celebrity encounter. Some more welcoming, unique and memorable than the others. Personally, I think a celebrity run in, can be a cool thing, yet also reminds you, these FAMOUS people are simple humans just like you and I. I recall onetime riding a subway car on a dreary morning in Manhattan while Ethan Hawke, the well known actor, was sitting across the way in the same cabin. He carried the same ho-hum demeanor as everyone else on that train, just trying to get from point A to point B. Another celebrity subway ride included, the actor James Marsden. The interesting part of this run in, and why I remember it, is because my ex girlfrie

Dishing the Honest Truth

You may or may not recall in the film, "A Few Good Men" the stated line between Tom Cruise and Jack Nickolason where Jack's character states, "You Can't Handle the Truth." It is a legendary movie line. Personally I think this can relate to our modern day lives in society. Sometimes it seems like people are looking for comments that are warm and fuzzy & display nicely, but carry zero worth, sincerity or actual help. Children, and infants under the age of 18 maybe deserve these softball, comforting comments, as their egos are fragile and just beginning to emerge and develop. But as ADULTS, we should be able to dish the truth and take it in return. Yes, sometimes the HONEST TRUTH is painful and stings. On the flip, sometimes it is the BEST NEWS ever! For example, if a doctor tells you, "Jim, you have cancer", well the sooner you know, the sooner you can fight it and get rid of it. When a girlfriend tells you it's over and she is no long

The LOVE game.

Love is a strong word, don't you think? I do, and use it very, very, very, rarely. Almost never actually. How often do you throw the L word around? It can be dangerous. Speaking from a male perspective, it can almost be used like a weapon. For example, using the L word with a girlfriend or potential spouse may be that sharp dagger or "ace in the hole" which puts your relationship over the top or dare I say, gets her back? Hmmm. Personally, in my life, I've had 3 different girlfriend relationships for 1 year in healthy duration, of which the L word was not used, at least on my end. I do not vividly recall ever using this L word with the girlfriends. I may have a couple times with these fine girls in a drunken stupor haze, or out of guilt. It is my opinion, that the word love , should be used only when spoken from the heart. Moving forward, other than humans. What else is there to Love? What do you Love? Would you say you love your job? Do you love your heal

Read your way through it.

Are you a READER? Do you enjoy the act of reading? Or do you consider reading a chore, and mindlessly wander through paragraphs? Personally, I am not an avid reader. I'm a sucker for watching Television and the visual stimulation and movement it creates. I do not read books and literature for joy and entertainment. Sorry Harry Potter fans. The thought of trying to read a novel of over 300 pages, sounds like a criminal sentence and detention. Some people are really into it, which is respected no doubt. Although personally it's not my bag, I am OPEN MINDFUL to the act of reading. For example I actually purchased and paid for a paperback book today. Really. It was a "self-help" book called "Adulting." I was thinking this "Adulting" book may have some valid points about becoming more of a grown-up, well rounded citizen. I am a man, so now I guess, I have to become an adult. Oh the inevitable. Recently my straight shooter, solid, lawyer, and w

The "Instant Gratification" Culture

In our current American Culture and society there tends be an "instant gratification" way of living. Would you agree our present day, Modern culture leans toward "instant gratification." If not, how would you better describe it? I too, am guilty of this me, now, make it happen culture . For example we as a society are: willing to eat fast food we avoid lengthy lines we can't handle car traffic we want our waiters attentive and speedy. In business, we always ask for a quick response. We hope for immediate successful dates and nights out. The social media avenues always display instant, up to the latest minute info. Television proclaims to, "be right back" The message today is to embrace and run with this "instant gratification" culture, because in my gut feel it is here to stay! Even people in sleepy towns, have probably noticed this uptick in society, media, people and culture. Yet, we should also be, OPEN MINDFUL to patience,

Can you handle it?

Sometimes in life we get our way. Sometimes in life we don't. Can you handle both outcomes? Obviously life, work, relationships, business, and sports are more FUN and ENJOYABLE when things do go your way. I mean, we as humans strive to be right, helpful, successful and have everything turn up roses! It is quite NICE when things do go our way. For example, when the business you were seeking, successfully closes and produces income. Another example, would be having the "girl of your dreams" or the one you really like, actually like you back. Reciprocal love is ideal. Another example is when playing athletic sports, the ball and point turns advantageous for you, and the opponent suffers loss. So yes it is fantastic when things do go our way! But, Can you handle it, when things do NOT go your way? How does it make you feel, when your girlfriend dumps you for another? When the object of your adoring affection, chooses a different person. How do you feel when the busine

Indoor Versus Outdoors...

Are you an INDOOR or an OUTDOOR person? In general do your prefer, controlled climates, comfortable furniture, clean space, internet, cable and television. If you are an indoor person, what is your favorite indoor activity? Or are you an outdoor adventurer, whom enjoys hitting the trails, natural swimming pools, walking the edgy streets, lakes, and mountain tops? If you are an outdoor person, what excites you about nature, fresh air and life? There is no wrong answer here. Both are fine, as we probably are ALL a combination of them both. Let's remain OPEN MINDFUL to different ways, activities, and methods to live both indoors and outdoors. Personally, as a city slicker, I'm a hybrid. I truly do enjoy INDOOR air conditioning, art, cable television, privacy, internet, my bed, and the peaceful confines of a clean interior living space. Yet, I also really enjoy getting outdoors and mixing it up to. For example personally, my favorite outdoor activities are attacking the h

Your Evolving Body....

Are you the reader, OPEN MINDFUL to the constantly evolving body? Through the course of life, we all undergo a vast and amazing physical metamorphosis. From an initial baby birth weight of around 8 pounds, to full grown adult-hood, we can admit there are some major human changes and growth that occurs in a lifetime. Are you progressive, and willing to happily accept the state of your current figure, tone and frame? Or, are you wrongfully fixated on the past or future? (For example, the high school physique, the model years, youth and manhood, the future-image post diet) Personally, I have been 6 foot tall and 1 inch since, I was just a 16 year old adolescent. I am grateful for it! Thanks parental units, especially mom. It helped immensely in making the varsity basketball team, as a sophomore, playing lacrosse at the university level & STILL in athletics to this present day. 6 foot 3 is probably the ideal height for a male, but I'm not going to daydream or nitpick the answer!

I was thinking about writing and naming this article, "Addiction." Then I realized that addiction is characterized as a negative thing. Would you agree that addiction tends to lead to negative consequences? For example, some words or themes that come to mind in regards to addiction, are people whom become addicted to cigarettes (equals death) drugs (equals death) work, (loss of family, spouse and loved ones) alcohol,(sickness, loss of liver) shopping (loss of money) & diet. (loss of muscle & weight) So in general the term addiction, con-notates negative sentiments and themes. That is why, this OPEN MINDFUL entry is titled, "Moderation is the answer" Recently and personally, I myself, am trying to scale back a rather extreme lifestyle of work and play. Thus in turn, lower down the crazy. For example, if your life has you going 60 miles per hour, metaphorically, try 30 miles per hour. That is my suggestion for the day. This philosophical thought of th

Daytime Vs. Nightime..Who Wins?

Have you ever noticed that there are 2 different distinct human cultures in regards to, "what time of day it is?" I mean, you could walk down the street at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and it is quiet, normal and calm. That same exact city street at 11 pm, and a different vibrant world erupts! Do you ever notice the major differences between daytime culture and night time culture? Which do you enjoy more? Which do you work in? Who wins in Day Vs. Night? In my experience, I have worked both time frame jobs & hours ( I personally helped run the OVERNIGHT, 11 am to 7 am, shift at a Luxury Hotel in the Meatpacking District of NYC ) yet currently work a predominately, DAYTIME job, in residential real estate. In general I have noticed and would charaterize DAYTIME with the following themes. Daytime tends to lend more to the formal, sober, straight forward, working world. From 9 am until 5 pm, it seems to me as though people are on a mission to produce, stay focused and

Stay Strong....Lend a Hand.....

I was thinking of giving the title "peer pressure" to this post, yet changed the focal wording last minute. I think the point ,we OPEN MINDFUL, readers would like to try and make today, is the power of social & ideological independence. Part of the joys, of the 1st Amendment in the U.S.A. is the right to free speech and personal liberty. Think about some of the worse periods in your life? What was the worst "section" of life for you? Personally for me, hands down it was the Middle School & Junior High section of life. Why? Numerous reasons. For example, middle school is a time for puberty and severe insecurity for kids, both young boys and girls. The insecurity causes a lack of confidence for youths both mentally and physically. Another reason, I loathed middle school, was the prevalence of peer pressure. If everyone was doing it, then the pressure on the next student was just as heavy. Thirdly, there were no gains in fun, or freedom in middle school. D

Live your Life! Do your Thing!

The inspiration of this OPEN MINDFUL entry is the importance of defying stereotypes. If there is 1 thing, that I collected and has stuck with me, after college and to present day, it is that. Stereotypes are biased, inaccurate, and made to be broken. It is also easier to disrupt them in America, the inventive, free, righteous, land of the brave . There are numerous avenues to defy stereotypes. For simplicity focus today, we will gear towards age and class stereotypes. For example, just because you are a 21 year old human, does this mean you ought & have to be studiously stuck in college? If your a 35 year old full grown man or women, do you have to be locked down in marriage? Does a person alive in their 60's always have to be thought of as senior citizen or grandparent? I say no to all of these stereotypes, thus.... Live your Life! Do your thing! If a fellow human would prefer to skip college and go straight to the world workplace, so be it. If a 30's something a

Are you Modern & Trendy or a True Classic

In general are you OPEN MINDFUL to different forms of style? Would you say, you tend to lean more towards trendy, modern new music, architecture, fads, fashion, style, clothing & dance or do you stick by the classics ? For example do you keep up and care about the constant evolving fresh pop culture or do you adhere your loyalty to the classic looks and sounds that have stood the test of time? This question, could also be framed with, are you a hipster, risk taker or a classicly faithful type. For example, in music, the trendy choice would be new songs on the radio, like Pharell Williams, versus the Classic Rock of say, Led Zepplin. Would you rather own & drive a zippy, flashy new sports car or a rugged time-tested truck or jeep? Would you rather live in an older established neighborhood, or a vibrant still being gentrified area? In my opinion, I think we should be OPEN MINDFUL to both modern/trendy & the classic. What do you think? Personally, I am a big fan of mo

The Emotional Wave....

For Life, we are awake, present and alive for most of it. Sleeping is unique & odd, yet enjoyable. Within a day, months, years, and lifetime there is a "roller-coaster of emotions." Do you enjoy riding the wave of emotions? Do you feel you can control and handle them? Can we? What are some of your favorite emotions? For example do you prefer to be happy, sad, confident, optimistic, pessimistic, dreary, bubbly, or teary? For example your emotions might fluctuate depending on your success or setbacks in life. Your emotional wave may fluctuate with your work, family & love life. You may get promoted. You may get fired. You may get dumped or a relationship could end. You may also meet an amazing, sexy, new wonderful person soon. So are you OPEN MINDFUL to riding these very real Emotional Waves? How do you handle and cope with them? Personally, my goal is to stay even keel with my emotions. The ideal mind frame is to not become overly exuberant and excited. It

Are you a People Person?

Lately, I've noticed the mass number of sheer people, that have been moving to my humble city and hometown. I am no stranger to heavily and well populated cities as NYC was #1 in America and Austin is now #11. That's fine in this corner. So how do you feel about these large societies? Do you notice people? Or are you a small town soul? Do enjoy human interaction and people watching? Or are you more introverted and avoid human social contact? Would you consider yourself a harmless drifter, whom stays to themselves? Perhaps your level of People Notice, may depend on your occupation. For example, I'm guessing accountants and engineers require very little "people skills" yet, there are a number of occupations that rely on the ability to assimilate and work within society. For example these jobs may include sales people, politicians, advertising and marketing folks, hospitality and even more so, healthcare and medical professionals. Curiously, are you one to stri

What do you love about a NEIGHBORHOOD?

What do you love about your current neighborhood? What do you loathe and hate? Describe a perfect neighborhood for us readers please! Let's remain, OPEN MINDFUL and share our favorite neighborhood ideals and best wishes. In my personal experience, I have previously lived in 2 to 5 neighborhoods for the majority of my life. They are as follows; Old Enfield Austin, Texas 18 years West University of Texas Campus, 4 years Sevilla Spain 1 summer West Austin, 2 years. Hell's Kitchen, New York City, 5 years Clarksville ATX 2.5 years. Miami, South Beach 2.5 weeks. I think we can learn something about life, and living from each different neighborhood. For example some of my favorite elements in a quality neighborhood are safety, proximity and location to the "center" of the city, walk-ability and ease of transportation. In addition a high level of attractiveness in neighbors & visitors is embraced. I mean who doesn't like to be around beautiful people?

Finding the Perfect Mate!

Is Finding the Perfect Mate a myth? Is it possible? Are we as humans often guilty of "settling" when it comes to romantic partners, girlfriends and relationships? Do you have a type? Or are you like myself, and try to remain OPEN MINDFUL to the wide variety and ample number of "fish in the sea" For example, I recall visiting with one women at a fashion show, whom specifically was attracted to the dark skinned, muscle-builder type of man. For example she spoke of Vin Diesel and the Rock, as her celebrity crushes. So do you have a romantic type? Do you have age limits, requirements? Do you discriminate based on height? Hair Color? Eye Color? Level of Intelligence? Level of wealth? Sometimes I am guilty of restrictions, BUT yet honestly overall am genuine & believe we should all be OPEN MINDFUL To varieties in love! Do you agree? For example, as long as your happy, it should not matter if your romantic partner is of a certain religion or even of a certa

How much should we CARE? Do you care at all?

Lately, I've been watching television, the news, and of course I have been living in our modern American society. Personally, I have noticed a spotlight and showcase, towards these "HUMAN INTEREST & FEELINGS" stories. For example, the kids who volunteers for the homeless shelter. The stranger who donates a kidney to his neighbor. The university educated professor, whom teaches poor city youths part time. The Artist whom gives a free lesson and class to the public. Etc. Etc. Etc. Here is my inquiry and question for you, our loyal OPEN MINDFUL reader. How much should we care? How much do you care? I sometimes have a hard time finding these human interest stories compelling and usually would rather skip to a fresh entertainment story or watch some comedy or action. What do you think? Is this blinding of me? Also, another reason for this personal numbness to the human interest article, is that all of these "human interest" stories are BORING . Yes, the

The Different Walks of Life...

Recently I returned from an epic, paradise like 2.5 week filled vacation in Miami, Florida. It was a fantastic time, and I did much better there, than even I or any human probably should. If you care enough to hear about the details, adventures and stories, just give me a phone call. Moving on. One thing I noticed while in Miami, was the very evident "different walks of life and culture" that were displayed in the citizenry and streets. There is a very pronounced difference in ethnicity there. Myself as a Caucasian with blonde hair and blue eyes, at 6"1, was a minority. I appeared of Swedish, Norwegian or Danish ancestry. There were some very real cultural and human differences that seemed pronounced, for example..... 1st, The women were exotic, sexy and beautiful! 2. The men were heavily geared towards European & Latin descent & also the stereotypical Guido male. From my knowledge and real observations, a guido male, drives an expensive Masserati brande

Can you Morph with Suggestions?

Are you a rigid person? Stuck in your own ways? Well, don't be. As each moment and day lies in the balance, let's try to remain O PEN MINDFUL to others' suggestions. Often times your life SUCCESS depends upon it. If people, family, friends, lovers, and co-workers take the actual time to think and give you verbal suggestions, listen! Digest the suggestion, understand the source and point of view it came from, and if you desire, MORPH to incorporate the suggestion and improve your own life! What do you think of this idea? Are you able to listen, be open minded, and morph to suggestions? Or, are you closed minded, as an obnoxious "know it all" type? Do you care enough about others to give your HONEST OPINIONS, and suggestions? You should. It will selfishly enhance your own surrounding environment. One specific example that comes to mind, was a suggestion my former real estate manager made to me. At the time, I working as a realtor in NYC. Although my heart