The Different Walks of Life...

Recently I returned from an epic, paradise like 2.5 week filled vacation in Miami, Florida. It was a fantastic time, and I did much better there, than even I or any human probably should. If you care enough to hear about the details, adventures and stories, just give me a phone call.
Moving on. One thing I noticed while in Miami, was the very evident "different walks of life and culture" that were displayed in the citizenry and streets. There is a very pronounced difference in ethnicity there. Myself as a Caucasian with blonde hair and blue eyes, at 6"1, was a minority. I appeared of Swedish, Norwegian or Danish ancestry. There were some very real cultural and human differences that seemed pronounced, for example.....
1st, The women were exotic, sexy and beautiful! 2. The men were heavily geared towards European & Latin descent & also the stereotypical Guido male. From my knowledge and real observations, a guido male, drives an expensive Masserati branded sports car, is physically short in stature, below 5"10, and may be of some sort of italian, jewish, american descent. #3. The nightlife culture and specifically CLUB culture was an abomination in crap. Often times, there were more velvet rope workers loitering outside of the club, than actual paying customers inside the club. Also the discrimination on entry, was perplexing. It sure wasn't based on looks and attractive level. I often saw packs of gorgeous young ladies, dressed to the nines, be turned away. Really.
What can we learn from this cultural vacation to the Caribbean city of the world and Southeast USA? Well, in trying to remain the OPEN MINDFUL soul, and positive welcoming person I strive to be, embraced a friendly, easy going persona. It proved successful! No matter how you or I appear, it is important we become chameleon like in new cities and environments. Learn to adapt, embrace and assimilate into a city and culture. Remember confrontation is NEVER the answer. Life can always be better, with a smiling face, and the legs to simply move along.
As OPEN MINDFUL readers, let's embrace this peaceful, positive mantra in the event of travel and cultural differences. Let's embrace the OPEN MINDFUL outlook for life in general! Part of travel is the JOY of meeting new people, places, venues and experiences. Enjoy and love the good, while removing the bad, and one should be fine. Remain OPEN MINDFUL and continue your progress to becoming a more intelligent, respectful, well versed human.
Do you agree? Thoughts? Opinions? Comments always welcomed.


Anonymous said…
nice post.
thanks. it was a fun adventure.

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