What do you love about a NEIGHBORHOOD?

What do you love about your current neighborhood? What do you loathe and hate? Describe a perfect neighborhood for us readers please!
Let's remain, OPEN MINDFUL and share our favorite neighborhood ideals and best wishes.
In my personal experience, I have previously lived in 2 to 5 neighborhoods for the majority of my life. They are as follows;
Old Enfield Austin, Texas 18 years
West University of Texas Campus, 4 years
Sevilla Spain 1 summer
West Austin, 2 years.
Hell's Kitchen, New York City, 5 years
Clarksville ATX 2.5 years.
Miami, South Beach 2.5 weeks.
I think we can learn something about life, and living from each different neighborhood. For example some of my favorite elements in a quality neighborhood are safety, proximity and location to the "center" of the city, walk-ability and ease of transportation. In addition a high level of attractiveness in neighbors & visitors is embraced. I mean who doesn't like to be around beautiful people?
For example in a dream world, I would have a huge loft studio or 1 full bedroom in SoHo NYC. I would be surrounded by worldy models, art, fantastic nightlife, all star restaurants, all while becoming engulfed with the beautiful fashion. I also think Downtown Austin Texas, would be a dreamy neighborhood. I could walk and bike to everything, and drive sparingly. Life and action, would simply be right outside my doorstep. Another dreamy neighborhood is South Beach, below 17th in Miami. The art deco architecuture, beautiful model inhabitants and proximity to the carribean ocean and waves is positive.
What is your favorite neighborhood(s)? What are your least favorite? What aspects in a neighborhood, where you sleep is important to you?
As always let's be OPEN MINDFUL to the variety of opinion and outlooks people possess.


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