In-Store SPEAKING appearance June 15th, 7 pm, 2nd Floor @ BOOKPEOPLE Downtown Austin, Texas

In Store SPEAKING appearance June 15th, 7 pm, 2nd Floor @ BOOKPEOPLE Downtown Austin, Texas

Friday June 15th, 7 pm. 2nd floor. AUTHOR evening & panel! featuring....

George Vance McGee Author of "Open Mindful, Philosophy on the Fly" & "Attractive Tales from Grand Cities, a Social Memoir."
Darrell Bryant Author of "Geronimo's Bones"

Friday, June 15th, 7 pm. 2nd Floor @BOOKPEOPLE, Downtown, Austin, TX. 

Come in person to celebrate, and interactively  engage with the 2 person AUTHOR panel:
  • LIVE Book excerpt Readings. Talks, Creative Insight, Q & A. 
  • Self Published, Indie  AUTHOR Advocacy!
  • Progressive, Upbeat, Improvement Oriented thinking with FUN life stories sprinkled in!
  • FREE, FREE, FREE to attend.
  • June 15th, Friday 7 pm, 2nd floor, @ BOOKPEOPLE, Downtown Austin, TEXAS. seats and refreshments included! 


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