The Reader / Book/ Feedback Post..."Open Mindful Philosophy on the Fly."

The Reader / Book / Feedback Post..."Open Mindful Philosophy on the Fly." The paperback book now for Sale online & in stores @BookPeople Downtown Austin, Texas, 2nd floor.

Anonymous said…I love this post. I am actually one to interact w/ a broad mix of others. I have an affinity for wild ideas and diverse/dynamic people from all walks of life. I'm around a lot of people a lot but I also like to be on my own to be able to meet strangers, reinvent myself in a way. But I guess u can always do that no matter if with friends or strangers. Thanks for your thoughts. It's fun to look back thru past experiences/relationships/circumstances and appreciate them. It can be revealing to who we are at our core and humbling to allow growth to happen over time, even when it is sometimes painful or challenging to fully understand. Penetrating old perspectives and evolving a new one is almost always worth it.

Anonymous said…nice post. "The Different Walks of Life."

Anonymous said…I love meeting new people at coffee shops, movie theaters, downtown, the grocery store, town lake... You name it! Sometimes I'll just go out and explore, see who I run into. Usually, I like to make eye contact w/ people and then smile if I feel like it or maybe compliment something I like about them, or I'll try to make them smile/laugh. I've made a lot of friends that way. Community is huge for me though. Meeting people thru commongrounds/interests/passions is important too, I think. All in all - making sure people know they are seen/heard/important is my aim. It's a really good feeling when it pays off and u find a meaningful connection w/ someone.

Anonymous said… I am always living, moving, and waking up to new places for work and a lot of times I feel the impact/vibe of each individual area gives me a different feeling. I take note and even get inspired - and tuck it away in my vision for my own exotic dream situation someday... Maybe the beaches of Australia, or Northern Cali. Could be Southern France, or Austin, TX perhaps:).. Whenever, wherever, whatever it is - I'll create it. Thoughtful post. Thanks! PS - is that Greece in your picture? Where is that? Pretty!

Anonymous said…Entertainment is the main source of inspiration. Its art, whether its through film, performance, dancing, singing... Films are one of the most powerful, I feel. The most recent one I've seen is "Gravity". I went in w/ no expectations - just to be open minded and experience it. The impact was significant. It's about the human spirit, love, life, survival, perseverance, persistence, courage .. you name it - and it all takes place in space. It was moving to say the least.
Ahkenaten Kor said…For me, it's easier to be meek and humble when I'm at work. I'm being paid and have to be courteous towards others. When I'm off duty or dealing with my investments, I'm extremely confident and brash, letting whatever emotions I have out. It seems as though I'm more comfortable being confident when there's no chance of me getting fired :) "Brazen Confidence versus Subelty Meek"

Anonymous---Word on the street is you lived in Manhattan and modeled. Is this true? Was it at an Abercrombie store or the flagship Abercrombie store? Medium size shirts? My guess is you were probably the only 6 foot 1 inch, blonde haired, blue eyed guy there. I'm gonna stay open mindful to how self-serving your bs blog is. 

George Vance McGee response...Thanks for at minimum, thinking "open-mindedly" that is the goal. Yes, I was previously an in-store "retail" model for the Abercrombie and Fitch downtown Manhattan Nyc seaport flagship location.
This blog is the best comedic piece I have seen in a long time. Great job on ironically displaying American idiocy! Nicole B. "On How Bachelor Men Think"
I agree with Nicole. I hope this is an intentionally sarcastic blog. The worst thing is a man who thinks he's God's gift to women. The sad thing is that those type of men can rarely make a woman genuinely happy. Maybe it's better that you stay a bachelor.
Holy shit. I think that you're sad, you're wondering why a man of such physical prowess isn't signing autographs all day. I thought it might be a joke too. But you really are this vain. Having confidence is good, but you need to be more humble. You are the girl who knows she's hot. She was the shit in HS, and thought everything would fall in her lap bc of her looks. Finally, get her on a date and all she'll do is talk about herself. Guys who are hot but act like they don't know will do far better. Marriage involves talking, and genuine interest in someone besides yourself. Anonymous
George Vance McGee said in response…this was written in pure honesty as to how some bachelor men actually think. each human is allowed to think differently.

Ahkenaten Kor said…
Moderation does seem to be the answer to many of our problems. As human beings, we tend to over-indulge on things we shouldn't, and not just food. It seems as if nature understands that we are idiots and makes sure there are penalties for our addictions and gluttony. But moderation and self-control go hand in hand, so I think a better statement would be that self-control is the answer... excellent post. "Is Moderation The Answer."

dan said…Nice.. "On Room for Improvement"

Anonymous said…Every personality has a positive and negative. The carefree, easygoing, entertaining, funny type will turn out to be a complete airhead at times...which is not very funny or entertaining.

Anonymous said…Stereotypes dealing with age are definitely the most important ones for us to deal with first. "Live your Life, Do your thing."
Anonymous said…Alright...If I end up moving to Austin, I'll look you up to help me find a place to live. Provided that I become as rich as sh*t. Lorenz
George, you ask a lot of really great questions. This blog always makes me stop and ponder things and look at the world a little bit differently. I feel like even if we don't have all the answers we get a little bit closer to the truth by looking inside ourselves and evaluating why we do things. So I just wanted to say thank you and keep questioning!
Anonymous Said.....And I think it is important to care for others because we're all connected and everyone is hurting in some way and I think it's our duty as humans to help each other and live a loving and caring life. But like you said, it's much easier to say that and sit back complacently then to actually get up and live it out. I think we have to start with ourselves and reach out in small ways, one small action can create another reaction that can, in turn, make waves of change. :)
Anonymous said…We're (women) the more nurturing species, and it's natural for us to seek stability and find someone to take care of? That's the answer I think you're looking for.. I on the other hand, and I'm sure many other women feel the same, am not looking for marriage. I'm sure one day but not anytime soon. I do enjoy experiencing different men the way I have though, learning their strengths and weaknesses, knowing how to trigger certain emotions. I dive deep and always resurface. Most of us live in a semi-somnambulistic state: we do our daily tasks and the days fly by. The two exceptions to this are childhood and those moments when we are in love. In both cases, our emotions are more engaged, more open and active. And we equate feeling emotional with feeling more alive.

Anonymous said…Awesome post! Let us never forget to understand humility.

Anonymous said…I like to ask people what they're doing for the weekend. Since I'm off Saturday and Sunday I usually have plans myself but it's interesting hearing other peoples agendas and sometimes it's worth checking out
Anonymous said…Currently, I'm at the breach of my adolescence, I feel more comfortable with my identity than ever before and my creativity has never been better. I'm excited to learn what more I'm capable of, life's trials and tribulations always seem to surprise me and bring another perspective to struggle that keeps me humble. That's how it's going ;)
Anonymous said…Ahh refreshing post
Anonymous said…As one of the nerd-geeks left out of your post, I wanted to share with you that the "Lake in Scotland" is called Loch Ness, hence the name, Loch Ness Monster.
Also, I really enjoyed the image attached to the post. I think it absolutely, totally, completely, with-out-a-doubt, 100%, and fully captures the idea of whether or not cool is matterful.
Johnny McGee said…Being happy is most important
Anonymous said…forgiveness, forgiveness, even if, you don't love me anymore, I can't tell you why, it's just life in the fast lane, one of these nights love will keep us alive
Anonymous said…Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold. bake through blends, mutt beep she told, fun miss liver band bee mother told.
REE19 said…Interesting subject, of course. I say If you have the money and the time is right, why not? My stance on drugs is open, always has been. You know some people want to know everything, some don't care to know much, and others are happy with what life has already given them. It's no secret that drugs "open your mind" that what's so alluring. So who am I to say that someone's decision is wrong ? Learning is what humans do, whether someone finds what they want in drugs, life experiences, heartbreak, death, food, sex, music. Oh, all that sounds great! I'm definitely open mindful. Now should we make these drugs legal? Sure. Less competition for me.
Anonymous said…Being open-minded is the key to success! When you stereotype yourself, it's limiting. Being able to adapt into any environment is very important.
Anonymous said…Open minded
Anonymous said…I really enjoyed traveling to Europe this summer. To me, that was great. I met a lot of new people, was spontaneous and took many more risks than I normally do back home. I felt free! Great, I suppose, will be trying live that way at home and not just while traveling.

Anonymous said…I will not deny death. I am openmindful to it.

Anonymous said…If you are serious about volunteering, I would suggest Mobile Loaves and Fishes.

Anonymous said…Is it immoral to cheat on a fake spouse?
Anonymous said…I'd like to know the difference between a real vs a fake girlfriend?

Anonymous said…My version of great is being fully self-expressed creatively through relationships, art, dance ... Whatever it may b that given day :) Also - enjoying blooming wherever I'm planted, meeting new people, and staying open to the possibilities of NOW. All in all - being a good friend, daughter, girlfriend, sister, granddaughter, aunt, etc.. Is what ultimately brings me the most fulfillment/joy.
Anonymous said…You don't need to move to L.A. for acting. Join a local theatre group in Austin or take some classes. Sounds fun. Try it.

Anonymous said…I'm no Yankees fan, but Mariano Rivera's career postseason ERA is 0.70
Anonymous said…Our current Decade Golden ERA may not last long if Kim Jong Un proves himself by nuking Austin. Kim Jong Un should be more Open MINDFUL to living humans breathing air in Austin and the other cities he has targeted for death, destruction, annihilation, and obliteration.
Anonymous said...I really liked Tom Penders-era Texas basketball. They may not have won very much, but I think people should be more OPEN-MINDFUL to the kind of high-octane hoops orchestrated by Penders, Billy Tubbs and Paul Westhead. 
I'm glad that you posted this :) I feel that cosmetic surgery is meant to make people feel better about their physical appearance, although it can be taken to major extremes which of course is unhealthy. Personally, I wouldn't want a mate who has had cosmetic surgery but to each their own. -Britt
Anonymous said…I'll take the trust fund kid option screw having a good family

Anonymous said…George Vance McGee, really enjoy the blog. I’d be interested in an OPEN MINDFUL discussion of this article. I thought the article was insightful, provocative, interesting, perceptive, polarizing, and informative. Prior in advance thanks! Men and Women Can't Be "Just Friends"

Anonymous said…

George, you asked "is there a better way to be?"
my answer: not if you are happy.
in my opinion, "the best way to live" is the way that makes you happy. This does not have to fit into a conveniently labeled box, i.e. "city, country, homemaker, etc." if a person choses to define themselves as such, great, have a it, its your life not mine. My point (which i am not being incredibly concise in making) is that life is what we make of it. there is no "best" or "worst", because no one knows what someone else's reality is. that is the key: it is relative. Personally, if i am building a life through actions that leave me fulfilled and peaceful at the end of the day, than that is the "best" way I can live. That is the "best life," and I have the power to create it. IF I CHOSE TO DO SO.
Cheers, Amy

Anonymous said…I think it means "BE here Now". Mindfulness, which, among other things, is an attentive awareness of the reality of things (especially of the present moment) is an antidote to delusion and is considered as such a 'power' the buddha would approve.

Anonymous said…Emperor penguins start courtship in March or April. A lone male gives an ecstatic display, where it stands still and places its head on its chest before inhaling and giving a courtship call for 1–2 seconds; it then moves around the colony and repeats the call. A male and female then stand face to face, with one extending its head and neck up and the other mirroring it; they both hold this posture for several minutes. Once in pairs, couples waddle around the colony together, with the female usually following the male.

Anonymous said…Being liberal, to me, means it is the government's job to make sure that no one gets their feelings hurt.

Anonymous said…Glad you are back and happy. Yes, Texas is awesome, no place I love more. Let's try to keep it a secret!!!shhh!!!!

Anonymous said…I believe destiny is mostly determined by personal choices and God listen's to all his children whether they go to church or not.So, if there is something you want in life: Go for it!!!

Anonymous said…
I am all for the 3 day weekend buddy. You are a visionary. My hat off to you good sir. Maybe that should be rule #3... 'give yourself a 3-day weekend when you need it' ;)

JohnnySAAS said…I love this post! Attitude is everything!

Anonymous said…We have a sales team, in the form of a completely open southern border.

Anonymous said…Sounds like a nice way to live. Open to making friends and hanging out. I am jealous


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