Instagram Visuals for WEIRD AUSTIN PODCAST Episode #15 Justin talks with Guest George Vance McGee

George Vance McGee is a licensed Real Estate Agent with Austin Silent Market Inc. and the author of "Attractive Tales from Grand Cities. A Social Memoir", "Open Mindful: Philosophy on the Fly" & his most recent book "The Nation We Live In: Essays and Short Stories".

George talks about his growing up in Austin, making the move to New York City and becoming a "Boomerang Person" when he moved back to Austin. He reminisces about Austin in the 90s, tells us what it takes to make it today in the silent market, brings up some personal adventures from his past and answers a few fan questions.

You can pick up all 3 of his books on Amazon, or locally at Book People on West 6th & Lamar in Downtown Austin, Texas.
 If you are contemplating real estate or had any other questions you can reach him at 512-657-9281.


"Austin hasn't been weird in decades! Austin is just over priced and has driven out the interesting people." Consumer Feedback Email

"Groover's Paradise is gone. Have you read Loaded South by Clay Coppedge?  His misadventures in the 1970s driving for Ray's Cabs in Austin. Hilarious. He lives outside Austin now. He married a fellow cab driver and they are still together and live outside Austin. They have a daughter in her 30s who has disgraced him by becoming a big success in marketing. LOL!
Barbara Duvall Wesolek


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