DO you like to be entertained? IF your human, most people do and enjoy laughter, muses, lights and more. Just like the Kings and Jesters of yesteryear, in the modern age, we love ENTERTAINMENT too! Are you OPEN MINDFUL to different forms on entertainment? Which are your favorites? For example, off of the top of my head, I can think of books, live music, movies, television, broadway shows, bars & nightclubs, restaurants, stores, shopping malls, stand up comics, vacations, social media, friends, and the such. Am I leaving your favorite form out? Personally, I am open minded to various forms of entertainment. I love tv, live music, and nightlife. Yet, as the entertainment field changes and morphs, could be up for anything fresh? What are your favorite forms? Do you abstain from entertainment? Could this even be possible? In so as fas as an industry, would ENTERTAINMENT be fun to work in? Recently a fellow local Austinite, mentioned, I should try out ACTING for a year. It wa...