Balcones Books, "the BB" Bookstore. Go swing by. Located in Highland Park West! My cousin Albert McGee runs it!

Balcones Bookstore
3313 Hancock Dr. Highland Park West, Austin, Texas 78731. (512) 792-9260

Go swing by Balcones Books and pick up your next Summer 2020 Book Buy Reads & Beyond. Say Hello to my younger, awesome cousin Albert McGee, tell him I said hey.  Support Local Austin, TX Business and local Businesses in general. 
Click here to watch the Balcones Books You-Tube VIDEO

"The Nation We Live In" 

Written by Author; George Vance McGee

The Nation We Live In, is an essay and short story book. The Essays and Short Stories contain themes such as travel,  modern dilemmas, societal observations, whimsical ideas, heavy topics, fun bursts, contemporary history and more. $13.50
Click here for more info on "The Nation We Live In" paperback book for Sale

"Attractive Tales from Grand Cities, a Social Memoir"

Also written by George Vance McGee

A boisterous, meandering, and escapade-filled romp. Youth and young manhood tales that reveal its joys and fun. Stories that discuss an influx society. An autobiographical memoir. Travel, Dating, Nightlife, escapades and Life in between. Showcasing an extrovert's golden era. $11.50
Click here for the Attractive Tales from Grand Cities a Social Memoir Book BLOG
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