
Showing posts from February, 2014

Willing to actually LISTEN?

Often times, I notice, that we as citizens tend to try and dictate our agenda. For example, we try to steer a conversation our way and direction. We care that our opinion, voice, thoughts and views on the scene are important and heard. Do you ever actually LISTEN to others? Are you OPEN MINDFUL to authentically LISTENING to people? Yes, No, Sometimes? Are you open to new ideas, topics, and your fellow humans? On a side note, a recent visitor and new friend, said I should call this blog, "Philosophy on the Fly". Good suggestion, as I listened to that one. I digress. Whether we are talking with business associates, friends, romantic partners, customer service people, politicians or anyone, let's be OPEN MINDFUL to hearing them out . If one stops to think about it, how did you become a better, smarter and more intelligent person? Well, you actually LISTENED to your parents, your 1st grade teacher, your driving instructor, your sports coach, your University profes

Open Mindful to the FOREIGN life?

While watching this Olympic bonanza on mainstream television, am inspired and in awe of the sheer volume of different countries this EARTH holds down. I think sometimes, we as American citizens get caught up and stuck in our own little lives. We think small and worry about our jobs, our cities, & our immediate circle of influence, friends, partners, business allies, etc. Today's theme is to bring us OUT into the world. To remain OPEN MINDFUL to different countries, people, languages, governments and methods for life. So are YOU the reader, OPEN MINDFUL to FOREIGN COUNTRIES? FOREIGN PEOPLE, FOREIGN CULTURE, & FOREIGN LANDSCAPES? Or, are you settled and burrowed into one destination? Like a groundhog, buried in a hole. For example, would you ever live and actually reside in a Foreign Nation? Where? Which one? Would you consider dating or marrying a foreign person? Do you care to pay attention to foreign news? Personally, I hope to stay OPEN MINDFUL to foreign count

Successfully Single for Life?

As an open minded soul, am proud of our American culture and the diversity it welcomes in regards to familial styles and structures. A few examples of diverse families include, the homosexual married couple, the single mother with children, the loving step father, the traditional 50's family with 2 kids and a white picket fence, the adopted child, and much more. Society, culture and the human embracing of this familial diversification is welcoming, great and increasing normal! Would you agree this progressive attitude towards the "new millennial family" is a good thing? I am glad, we as a society are becoming more open mindful and respectful to this familial variety. In a selfish turn, how does this relate to me? More and more lately, I am becoming much more comfortable, happy and joyous with the prospect of being successfully single for the remainder of my life. I'm pretty cool with it. For example, if I continue to remain an attractive, tall, athletic, h